Well I am very cautiously optimistic. We are 1 month into the DR. G. massive anti-yeast crusade, and last night we had 100% pain free sex for the first time in almost 11+ years. My wife only had minor pain the next day, but she classified it as very minor. So all the hormone creams (now down to once a day), off of birth control, PT, stretching, diet modification, and anti-yeast seem to be freeing us from debilitating issues.
My wife has also noticed that she is able to sit for long periods without pain, and her lower back isn't hurting any more.
While I am ecstatic with the current state of things I'm working very hard to not be frustrated with the system and all the Dr's it took to get her to this point. I think back to just a few months ago when things were taking a little longer with Dr. G than we were wanting and we went for the second opinion. If we would have went with what the Dr at the U of M had said we would have reset all her progress and never have gotten to where we are today. I'm also very pissed off at how much money we spent on those Dr's before we got to one who could cure her.
But enough with the negative and focus on where we are, first time of pain free sex in 11 years.